ReferNet is a network of national partners representing all Member States of the European Union, Iceland and Norway, set up in 2002 by Cedefop - European Centre for the Development of Vocational 

Training. Its mission is to support Cedefop by reporting on national vocational education and training (VET) systems and policy developments, and raise visibility of VET and Cedefop/ReferNet products nationally.

ReferNet national partners are key organisations involved in VET in the country they represent. ReferNet national partners are selected by Cedefop based on an open call for proposals. Their contractual cooperation with Cedefop is based on a two-year framework partnership agreement and annual specific grant agreements.

Specific grant agreements contain annual work plan, specifying the number and scope of deliverables to be prepared and submitted to Cedefop by ReferNet partners. The work plan is established by Cedefop after consultation with ReferNet partners. It may include reports, surveys, articles, news items, bibliographical references, etc. Each ReferNet partner also has to maintain a national ReferNet website.

Communication among partners, information provided by Cedefop and submission of deliverables by ReferNet takes place through various channels designed to promote cooperation:
•    plenary, regional or working group meetings;
•    an extranet platform with information on partners and planned activities;
•    workflows designed to submit and register deliverables and provide feedback at various stages

Flyer about ReferNet network is available Here.