Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education (AVETAE) represents a key stakeholder in Croatia in the field of vocational and adult education (VET and AE). The agency was founded in 2010 by the promulgation of the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education Act, and was created by merging two agencies: the Agency for Vocational Education (2005) and the Agency for Adult Education (2006).

The Agency is responsible for VET qualifications and curricula development, labour market needs surveys, quality assurance in the field of VET and AE, teacher training in the field of VET and AE, relevant data collection and statistics, management information systems, student skills competitions etc. The Agency is a member of Cedefop ReferNet network, National Reference Point for EQAVET, UNESCO - UNEVOC National Centre and it also represents Croatia in networks and EU bodies such as ACVT, DGVET, the Governing Board of the ETF and other associations such as the World Skills Europe.

The Agency, in particular the organizational unit for management of structural instruments is Intermediate Body Level II of the Operational Programme "Human Resources Development " in the framework of the ESF.

The agency operates closely with all key stakeholders in the field of vocational education and adult education.

Since 2006, the Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education has committed significant efforts to planning, preparing and implementing projects funded by the EU and other funding organizations. In this period, AVETAE Department for European Affairs, International Cooperation and Projects has prepared and implemented projects with the overall budget of 40.000.000 EUR.

In cooperation with other key stakeholders, AVETAE is equally involved in programming of the European Social Fund budget for the period from 2014-2020 in Croatia within the Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources 2014 – 2020.

AVETAE is implementing the following ESF funded projects within the framework of the Operational Programme Efficient Human Resources 2014 – 2020: Promotion of Lifelong Learning, Modernization of the System of Continuing Professional Development of VET School Teachers and Promotion of Student Competences and Vocational Education and Training through Skills Competitions and Fairs. The overall budget for the ESF-funded projects is over 8.5 EUR, which involves 85% of EU-funding and 15% of national co-financing.  

The Agency for Vocational Education and Training and Adult Education signed a two-year partnership agreement with Cedefop for the implementation of ReferNet Croatia responsibilities by AVETAE Department for European Affairs, International Cooperation and Projects.