
ReferNet je mreža institucija koja pruža informacije o nacionalnim sustavima strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja u zemljama članicama EU, Islandu i Norveškoj.


CEDEFOP (Europski centar za razvoj strukovnog obrazovanja) je europska agencija koja promovira razvoj strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja u EU.

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Bullying in schools is more than just a personal struggle—it’s a systemic issue that threatens students' well-being, disrupts their education, and fuels early leaving from education and training.

Thessaloniki, 7 February 2025 – The European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training (Cedefop) celebrates 50 years of impact, empowering Europe’s workforce with the skill

In 2024, Jobsplus, the public employment service, has been actively developing new training courses towards empowering learners in the green and digital economy.

Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET)—the vocational education undertaken before entering the labour market—plays a pivotal role in preparing (mostly young) Europeans with the skills and