
ReferNet je mreža institucija koja pruža informacije o nacionalnim sustavima strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja u zemljama članicama EU, Islandu i Norveškoj.


CEDEFOP (Europski centar za razvoj strukovnog obrazovanja) je europska agencija koja promovira razvoj strukovnog obrazovanja i osposobljavanja u EU.

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The Mobita SI-AT project, a collaboration between Slovenia and Austria, promotes accessibility and a talent-based approach in career guidance.

Poland seeks to support teacher preparation through new postgraduate programmes, practical training, and revised in-service guidelines, to improve vocational education through the education communi

Norway is improving its vocational education with the establishment of a National Centre for Vocational Studies in Molde in 2025.

The Netherlands surpassed the 2020 EU target of 6% for VET student mobility early, but the 2025 target of 8% remains challenging.